Transform Your Parenting and Teaching with Lisa Dewey Wells Consulting

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What Brings You Joy?

“What brings you joy?”

Last winter, I asked a client this question.

She responded with a self-conscious giggle and said, "Gosh, that IS a good question!"

She had been so busy raising three smart and beautiful children who are now grown and flown. She's a devoted and loyal employee and gracious wife. Along the way, she had forgotten what brought joy to her life, and she was going through the motions, slightly numb and uncertain about what she wanted next.

Fast-forward to June, and she's got a few new hobbies and new habits that bring her joy. The frustrations of work bead up and roll away like rain on a freshly waxed car. She sees them bubble up, but she doesn't let them seep in.

On our coaching calls, I can hear the lightness in her voice as it punctuates her steady cadence of determination and pride.

Truth is, my client can take control of her life and find joy because she has everything she needs to show up in the world the way she chooses. And that includes doing things that bring her joy. She has the agency to make small changes that lead her to a more centered life. We all have what we need inside us to be the people we want to be, even if it's feels impossible to recognize these strengths.

But she needed an empathetic coach to ask questions and help her craft a plan to evaluate what was working and what was not. She needed someone invested in her wellbeing, but not her choices who encourages her to listen to her heart and to helps devise a plan to experiment with small changes that lead to bigger goals. Many of us benefit from having an impartial listener to help us grow and support our efforts.

I have heard women tell me they are too busy, or they aren't sure they can commit to coaching. But yet they continue to wrestle with feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration, disappointment, and even anger or sadness because they are underselling themselves or tucking their desires into the corners and shadows of life.

Forget spa days and girls weekends, making choices every day that help you be your authentic self IS the ultimate self-care. Holding yourself accountable for taking care of yourself with the determination and passion you give as all the others in your life is the ultimate self-care.

That's what brings me joy - helping clients see that's it is okay to take care of themselves. Working each week to hatch a plan to take small steps which reveal their strength, power, and abilities. I help busy women find more balanced lives of purpose and joy - because when you take care of yourself, you are better positioned to take care of all the rest. I’m not going to judge you or tell you what to do. I am going to listen, offer strategies, and hold you accountable to youself. I might even make you laugh a bit, too!

I hope you savor the remaining weeks of August, but if you're curious about coaching and how it might help you find joy, purpose, new habits, or whatever it is you might be craving (even if you aren't quite sure what you want), let's make time to talk in August. I've got space for 4-6 additional clients starting in September, and it would be my honor to work with you. The first step is to schedule a complimentary call here.

I hope to see you on my calendar soon and that we can help you find more purpose and joy!