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Girl, Clean Up Your Products

I’m a big Rachel Hollis fan and recommend her book, Girl Wash Your Face to so many friend and followers. But girl, before you wash your face have you ever thought about what you’re putting on it?

Probably not.

And you probably think it’s safe. (Or you’re too busy to even consider the quesation…)

If you know me IRL or online, you know this is an issue I don’t stay quiet about. Of course, it is NOT all safe. One of the hats I wear while I a doing all the other things in life is CLEAN BEAUTY ADVOCATE. Sure, I’d love you to buy Beautycounter products, but what I’d really LOVE is for you to do two things. Two simple things that will keep you and your family safer.

First, a bit of the back story on personal care products.

  • 1938 The last year Congress passed a major federal law regulating cosmetics (Remember FDR - he was our president then!)

  • In the UK, 1400 potentially harmful ingredients are banned from personal care products. The US currently bans roughly 30.

  • At Beautycounter, we have approximately 1400 ingredients on our Neverlist because they are known or suspected to be harmful. We are continually monitoring research, and this list grows as the data grows.

  • It’s perfectly legal for companies to use known carcinogens in products we buy for our bodies.

  • Just two pages of law regulate a $62 billion industry.

  • A study by the Red Cross found more than 200 industrial chemicals found in the cord blood of newborn babies.

  • A UC-Berkley study found that teens who switched to safer products had a 20-40% drop in harmful chemicals in their blood.

Our mission at Beautycounter is to educate and advocate others about the cost of not knowing what goes into these products - which are contributing to the rise of autoimmune disease, cancer, and fertility. When you have access to information you can make better choices - and if you can choose safer products that perform as well or better than products with unknown and harmful ingredients why wouldn’t you? Scientists at Beautycounter began a research collaboration in 2017 with Tufts University School of Medicine, a leader in research on the hormonal effects of chemicals and we look forward to sharing results as soon as they are available. We ban intentionally using the NeverList. Every ingredient we use is screened rigorously and disclosed online and on our packaging - we believe in transparency.

This past week, Beautycounter celebrated our 6th Anniversary, and some of our 30,000 US consultants met with state and federal representatives to make our voices heard. Our mission is to educate and advocate others about the cost of not knowing what goes into these products - which are contributing to the rise of autoimmune disease, cancer, and infertility. We are leading the movement for greater transparency in the industry and more health protective regulation. It’s not often that a company can be pro-commerce and pro-regulation - AND we are experienced exponential growth. We are the undisputed leaders in clean beauty, and we are radically changing the industry. Plus, we’re a B Corp because people, profit and the planet matter to each of us. (Yes, the company of smart, motivated, and busy people of action is tremendous!)

Check out my Instagram stories and/or Facebook book group, Small Ripple in Wellness where this weekend I’ll have links to some of our recent press along with my requisite pics of my adorable dog and St. Patty’s celebrations!.

And here’s the FANTASTIC news - this week while our folks were knocking on doors and talking to representatives Senators Feinstein and Collins announced that The Personal Care Product Safety Act (a bi-partisan bill) to help protect consumers from harmful ingredients in products, was reintroduced in the Senate.

“Who Knew Lipstick Could Be Revolutionary?”

This work is grassroots - and now here are two tasks I challenge you to do:

1. Text “BetterBeauty” to 52886 to ask your local leaders to support health protective legislation - it takes seconds! Ask a friend to do the same. Once you do, you’ll get a reply that gives you a link to send an email. Bonus points for that email!

2. Check out what you’re using, See if you can swap out products with synthetic fragrances, parabens, phthalates or other harmful ingredients for something safe. The average woman uses 10-12 products a day - start with one or two that are safer. You can check out our Never List or use the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep app to check.

If you decide to switch to safer, let’s chat about tips and tricks - like fractionated coconut oil as a moisturizer, safer deodorants and, of course, products we offer for the entire family that you can use and know they are not causing harm and are doing a kick-a$s job for you!