Intentions, Habit, Ease and Steadiness
The other evening, I met a friend for a drink before a meeting we were attending. As I sat down, the bartender said, “How are ya?” To my surprise, I answered, “hah, it’s been a week!” He cocked his head and said, “Oh, really now? You know it’s Tuesday, right?”
Building Habits
Last week I shared some thoughts on resolutions, affirmation, and intentions. Did you catch that?
Since then, I’ve read and seen so many posts on how to stick to those resolutions, and I would bet you have, too. I like to think more in terms of building habits that will stick, not find hacks for those resolutions.
Resolutions, Affirmations and Intentions - OH MY! (and a handy tip sheet!)
It’s January 3rd. Three days into twenty-twenty. Have we had enough of the riffs on the new year, a new decade, resolutions yet?